
I cured my addiction
I cured my addiction

“What did I do wrong” is a question most supporting family members eventually ask themselves, as well. Thinking: “if I yell enough / cry enough / threaten enough, then the afflicted individual will stop. While you may feel emotional during this, attempting to appeal to the emotions of your loved one is often fleeting. As difficult as it is to watch, in the end - the choice to stop consuming is up to them. Honesty is important when expressing your concerns, but you need to go into the conversation with a firm understanding that you cannot force someone to quit their addiction. Don’t use their reaction though, as a reason to avoid the discussion their use of substances is not likely to get better on its own. You need to prepare yourself for an array of possible reactions from anger to denial. Initiating a conversation about someone’s addiction is not easy.

#I cured my addiction how to

HOW TO TALK TO A PERSON WITH AN ADDICTION ABOUT THEIR PROBLEM Continuing to consume, even after loved ones have expressed concern.Not remembering what they said or did while intoxicated.Binging or consuming more than intended.Neglecting responsibility at home, work or school.Some common signs that your loved one has a problem include: Consuming drugs and alcohol to cope with such stress is common, that doesn’t, however, make it right. Not only are we facing constant economic concerns and high levels of unemployment, but we’re also in the middle of a global pandemic. To say that these are uncertain times is an understatement. We’ll cover this topic thoroughly, first, however, let’s review the signs of an addiction. To “take care of yourself”, is the best advice you can give someone who has a loved one dealing with an addiction. It’s natural for family members to feel hopeless at times, even frightened or overwhelmed. Learning that a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be shocking and sad, and can sometimes cause panic. Addiction is one of the toughest problems a family can face.

I cured my addiction